Sensing Health

Improve Your Patient Care


"Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf"

-Geoffrey Moore

Sensing Health (SH) is a Proactive Contact - Free Monitoring Solution designed to help your Clinical, Home Care & Hospital Setting to provide a Better Data-Driven Care 

Sensing Health is a constant Contact - Free Monitoring Solution conceived to improve patient's lives across the continuum of care

Barometric Platform Solutions for Foot Plantar, Sitting and Lying down Analysis

Retail, Clinical and Hospital use in Podiatry, Physiotherapy, Orthopedics & Sports Medicine

Sensing Health Podiatry

Sensing Health Seat

Sensing Health Rehab

Sensing Health Mattress

Contact - Free Sensors for Prevention 

 Home & Hospital Care Solutions in Pressure injury, Fall & Wander Prevention

Sensing Health Home

Sensing Health Hospital

Sensing Health Wheelchair

Awards & Recognition

of Sensing Health

X2.0 Deep Tech 2024 

Innovative SME 2024

SME of the year 2021

Seal of Excellence 2020

Order & Test-drive our solution in your health facility. We offer co-creation to adapt our platforms to your organization

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Sensing Tex is a Deep Tech Company that provides software and hardware-based platforms